How to clean stained fabric chairs in 7 Steps

Stained fabric chairs can be a real eyesore, especially if they are prominently placed in your home or office. Not only do they detract from the appearance of your space, but they can also be difficult to clean and remove the stains. But, with the right approach, cleaning stained fabric chairs can be a manageable task. In this blog post, I’ll will be taking you through the steps involved in cleaning different types of fabric stains, including food and drink, oil and grease, and ink and dye. I’ll will also be providing tips and tricks to make the cleaning process easier and more effective. So, if you have been struggling with stained fabric chairs and are ready to give them a fresh new look, read on!

Types of Stains of fabric chairs

  1. Food and drink stains: These can include spills from coffee, tea, juice, sauces, and more.
  2. Pet stains: Urine, vomit, or other pet messes can leave stains on fabric chairs.
  3. Dirt and dust stains: Over time, fabric chairs can attract dirt, dust, and other debris that can leave behind stains.
  4. Oil and grease stains: Cooking oil, lotions, and other oily substances can leave greasy stains on fabric chairs.
  5. Ink and dye stains: Pens, markers, and other inks can leave behind unsightly stains, especially if they are not removed promptly.
  6. Miscellaneous stains: Other types of stains that can affect fabric chairs include red wine, grass, and blood.

It is important to address these stains as soon as possible to prevent them from setting in and becoming more difficult to remove.

Needed Cleaning Tools and Products for clean stained of fabric chairs

Basic cleaning supplies:

  • Detergent: A mild, laundry detergent can be used for removing most types of stains from fabric chairs.
  • White vinegar: White vinegar is a natural, effective cleaner that can be used to remove many types of stains, including food and drink spills.
  • Baking soda: Baking soda can be used to remove tough stains and odors, and also helps to deodorize fabric chairs.

Specialty cleaning products:

  • Stain removers: Commercial stain removers can be effective for removing specific types of stains, such as pet stains or ink.
  • Upholstery cleaner: An upholstery cleaner is a specially-formulated product that is designed specifically for cleaning fabric chairs.

Blotting materials:

Paper towels or clean rags can be used to blot up excess liquid and to apply cleaning solutions to stains.

  • Vacuum cleaner: A vacuum cleaner can be used to remove dirt, dust, and other debris from fabric chairs, which can prevent the buildup of stains over time.
  • Hair dryer (optional): A hair dryer can be used to speed up the drying process after cleaning stains from fabric chairs.

Steps for Cleaning Stains of Fabric chairs

  1. Blotting up excess liquid: Before applying any cleaning solution, use paper towels or a clean rag to blot up as much of the excess liquid as possible.
  2. Testing for colorfastness: Before cleaning, test the fabric for colorfastness in an inconspicuous area to make sure the cleaning solution does not cause the color to fade or bleed.
  3. Determining the type of stain: Identify the type of stain to determine the best cleaning solution to use.
  4. Using the appropriate cleaning solution: Apply the appropriate cleaning solution to the stain, using a clean rag or sponge. For most stains, a solution of mild detergent and water can be used. For tougher stains, such as pet stains or ink, a specialty stain remover may be necessary.
  5. Rinse and blot: Rinse the cleaned area with water, and then blot up the excess liquid.
  6. Repeat as necessary: Repeat the cleaning process as necessary until the stain has been removed.
  7. Drying the fabric: Allow the fabric to air dry completely, or use a hair dryer on the low heat setting to speed up the drying process. Avoid exposing the fabric to direct heat or sunlight, which can cause fading or damage.

Note: Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the fabric chairs and any cleaning products used. Some fabrics may be delicate and require a gentle cleaning approach.

Prevention detail for stained fabric chairs

  1. Regular cleaning and maintenance: Regular cleaning and maintenance of fabric chairs can help to prevent the buildup of dirt and stains over time. This can include vacuuming, spot cleaning spills as they occur, and periodically deep cleaning the fabric.
  2. Prompt stain removal: Promptly removing spills and stains as they occur can help to prevent them from setting in and becoming more difficult to remove.
  3. Protecting the fabric: Using protective covers or slipcovers on fabric chairs can help to protect the fabric from spills, stains, and other types of damage.
  4. Avoiding harmful substances: Avoiding substances that can damage the fabric, such as harsh chemicals, bleach, or sharp objects, can help to prevent stains and other types of damage.
  5. Proper storage: Proper storage of fabric chairs, such as covering them or storing them in a cool, dry place, can help to prevent fading, mold, and other types of damage.
  6. Professional cleaning: Consider having fabric chairs professionally cleaned on a regular basis to keep them looking their best.

By following these steps, you can help to prevent stained fabric chairs and maintain their appearance over time.


In conclusion, cleaning stained fabric chairs can seem like a daunting task, but with the right tools and techniques, it is a manageable process. Whether you are dealing with a spill from a drink, pet mess, or another type of stain, it is important to act quickly to prevent the stain from setting in. By using the appropriate cleaning solutions and following the steps outlined in this guide, you can effectively clean and maintain the appearance of your fabric chairs. Regular cleaning and proper storage can also help to prevent stains and other types of damage, so that your chairs look their best for years to come.

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