How to get rid of carpet beetles naturally (effective Solutions)

Carpet beetles may be small, but they can cause big problems for homeowners. These pests can damage carpets, clothes, and other fabrics, and their shed skins can trigger allergies in some people. While there are chemical solutions for carpet beetle removal, many people prefer to take a natural approach. In this post, I’ll explore how to get rid of carpet beetles naturally, using non-toxic methods to remove and prevent infestations.

By using natural remedies and taking preventative measures, you can eliminate carpet beetles without harming the environment or risking your health.

Identify the Problem

Carpet beetles are small insects that can cause significant damage to carpets, clothing, and other natural fibers in your home. They have a varied diet and can feed on materials such as wool, silk, and cotton, making them a threat to a wide range of items.

One of the most challenging aspects of a carpet beetle infestation is that it can be difficult to detect. These insects are small and can hide in tight spaces, making it challenging to spot them. Furthermore, they can damage items that are stored away and not used regularly, such as clothes in a closet or fabrics in a storage box.

The damage that carpet beetles cause can vary depending on the severity of the infestation. In some cases, you may notice small holes or bite marks on your carpets, clothing, or other fabrics. Shed skins and fecal pellets are also common signs of a carpet beetle infestation. Additionally, carpet beetles can trigger allergies in some people due to their shed skins, which can exacerbate symptoms such as asthma and rhinitis.

Ignoring a carpet beetle infestation can have severe consequences. The longer the infestation goes unnoticed, the more damage the beetles can cause. They can ruin carpets, clothes, and other fabrics, making them unsalvageable. In extreme cases, a carpet beetle infestation can even cause structural damage to your home.

Fortunately, there are natural solutions for removing carpet beetles that don’t require the use of harsh chemicals. In the next section, I’ll explore some effective non-toxic methods for getting rid of carpet beetles naturally.

Natural Solutions

Thankfully, there are several natural methods for removing carpet beetles that don’t require the use of harsh chemicals. Here are some effective ways to get rid of carpet beetles naturally:


Regularly vacuuming your carpets and upholstery can help remove carpet beetle eggs, larvae, and adults. Be sure to vacuum along baseboards, in corners, and in other tight spaces where carpet beetles may hide. Dispose of the vacuum bag outside of your home to prevent any beetles from escaping.

Laundering fabrics

Washing clothes, linens, and other fabrics in hot water can kill carpet beetle larvae and eggs. Be sure to follow the care instructions on each item to avoid damaging them. If you have items that cannot be laundered, consider freezing them for several days to kill any beetles or larvae.

Essential oils

Essential oils such as lavender, eucalyptus, and peppermint are natural insecticides that can help repel carpet beetles. Add a few drops of essential oil to a spray bottle filled with water and spray on carpets, fabrics, and other areas where carpet beetles may be present.

Diatomaceous earth

Diatomaceous earth is a natural powder made from the fossilized remains of small aquatic organisms. It works by drying out the exoskeletons of insects, including carpet beetles. Sprinkle diatomaceous earth on carpets and other areas where carpet beetles may be present and leave for several hours before vacuuming it up.

Cleaning and decluttering

Keeping your home clean and decluttered can help prevent carpet beetles from infesting your home. Vacuum and dust regularly, and avoid storing items such as clothes and linens in dark, damp areas where carpet beetles thrive.

By using these natural solutions, you can effectively get rid of carpet beetles and prevent future infestations. If you’re dealing with a severe infestation, it’s always best to consult with a professional pest control company.

Preventative Measures

Preventing carpet beetle infestations is key to avoiding the need to get rid of them in the first place. Here are some preventative measures you can take to keep carpet beetles at bay:

Store fabrics properly

Store clothes, linens, and other fabrics in airtight containers or bags to prevent carpet beetles from accessing them. Be sure to wash and dry fabrics before storing them to remove any potential food sources for carpet beetles.

Inspect secondhand items

Before bringing any secondhand fabrics into your home, be sure to inspect them thoroughly for signs of carpet beetle activity. This includes clothing, furniture, and other items that may harbor carpet beetles.

Seal entry points

Seal any cracks or gaps in windows, doors, and walls to prevent carpet beetles from entering your home. Be sure to check for any openings around pipes, vents, and other areas where carpet beetles may gain entry.

Keep your home clean

Regularly vacuuming, dusting, and decluttering your home can help prevent carpet beetles from infesting your home. Be sure to pay extra attention to areas where carpet beetles may be present, such as carpets, closets, and storage areas.

Use natural deterrents

Essential oils such as lavender, eucalyptus, and peppermint can help repel carpet beetles. Placing sachets of these oils in closets, drawers, and other storage areas can help prevent carpet beetles from infesting your fabrics.

By taking these preventative measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of a carpet beetle infestation in your home. If you do notice any signs of carpet beetles, be sure to take action immediately to prevent the infestation from spreading. By using natural solutions and taking preventative measures, you can effectively get rid of carpet beetles naturally and keep them from coming back.


Ccarpet beetles can be a nuisance and cause damage to fabrics and other materials in your home. However, with the natural solutions and preventative measures outlined in this guide, you can effectively get rid of carpet beetles naturally and prevent future infestations. By using natural methods such as vacuuming, laundering, essential oils, and diatomaceous earth, you can eliminate carpet beetles without the use of harsh chemicals. Additionally, by taking preventative measures such as storing fabrics properly, inspecting secondhand items, and sealing entry points, you can reduce the risk of a carpet beetle infestation in your home. Remember, if you’re dealing with a severe infestation, it’s always best to consult with a professional pest control company. With these tips and tricks, you can keep your home free of carpet beetles and enjoy a clean, healthy living space.

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